Published inMEL MagazineAn Oral History of ‘Leisure Suit Larry’If you happened to flip through a PC gaming magazine in the late 1980s or early 1990s, you would’ve probably seen an ad for a game called…Jun 18, 20184Jun 18, 20184
Published inMEL MagazineI Watched Every Show Called ‘Dads’ and Slowly Lost My MindIf you ever get very stoned and end up searching the Internet Movie Database for “dad,” you will find it’s actually a surprisingly popular…Jun 13, 2018Jun 13, 2018
I Gave My Facebook Password to the Whole InternetWhat happens when you challenge the individualistic assumptions of social media?Apr 3, 20181Apr 3, 20181
Published inMEL MagazineThe Mr. Fix-Its Who Save Broken Sex DollsManufacturers don’t want to get their hands dirty, so these Real Doll artisans come to the rescueJan 23, 20185Jan 23, 20185
smash.gifsmash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smashJan 12, 20181Jan 12, 20181
some images i saved to my laptop in 2017adsfl.aknwvalkew. kahwef.kawejgnawegioawmflawemflawughaliugguihubliu naliuerhglaieurhglaeuirgalreuigna;wogianer;goiareng;oiaerng;oaeriga…Dec 14, 20171Dec 14, 20171